ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login


Item Information

snippet: A geoprocessing service to download features of a published service to the shape file in .zip format.
summary: A geoprocessing service to download features of a published service to the shape file in .zip format.
accessInformation: Centre for Development and Environment
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Tool","Service","Geoprocessing Service","Web Tool","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This geo-processing service downloads data of the provided service URL (pointing to a layer endpoint) in the shapefile format as a .zip file, bypassing the default feature limit of downloading 1000 features, when the layer contains more than 1000 features. This can be used through the geo-processing widget in ArcGIS WAB by mentioning the geoprocessing service URL of this tool.
licenseInfo: This tool works only when the "Supports Advanced Queries:" and "pagination" properties of the service is enabled.
title: Json2ShapeURL
type: Geoprocessing Service
tags: ["Json2Shape","service url","geoprocessing service"]
culture: de-CH
name: Json2ShapeURL